Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Im Moving!

I decided to move my blogging over to Tumblr, not sure if anyone reads my blogger posts anyway! So if you wonder why I haven't updated my blog it's because I'm over at Tumblr living it up!


Sunday, February 15, 2015


Day 15 #kidlitart28

Growing up I always wanted something magical to happen to me. Even now, when I'm driving back from work I think "It would be so cool if a magical light came from the sky and gave me a magical anything."

For today's sketch I drew a girl watching a magical cat ascend from the moon.

 It almost looks like alien lightst, you know the light that they shine when they want to abduct you. By the way, that is one of my all time fears, aliens. I watched The Fourth Kind in the theaters and I was so scared driving back home. Poor Leo had to stay awake with me because I was afraid to close me eyes. I'm such a chicken.

Guys, don't watch that movie. It is beyond frightening.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Day 14 #kidlitart

It is Valentines Day today and we just got back from the Cheesecake Factory. We had to wait an hour to get seats. You thought there was a celebrity in the restaurant because the amount of people waiting outside was incredible. Despite it all we waited still.

It was soooooo worth it.

The cheesecake was amazing! I'm so stuffed I can barely reach my keyboard!

To top it all off, Leo bought me my very first Will Terry book!!!!!!!! I will post pictures tomorrow. I am so excited I've already looked through it five times. It is truly magical.

This sketch is a quick one due to all the Valentines Days activities, hope you like!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Desert Friend

Day 13 #kidlitart28

If I ever encountered something like this, I hope it would be friendly!

I'm trying to use more saturated colors...does anyone ever feel like they don't know what they are doing? lol!

Sometimes when I'm about to start painting I stop and ask myself, "how do I do this again?", then I get a slight panic attack, but once I start I'm okay.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Future Home

Day 12 #kidlitart28

This is my future home! I will hire a world renowned architect and make him build this for me.

Nah, I actually designed it for the little fairy/forest/elf creature I drew yesterday. This is where it lives and runs a Nick-Knack shop out of its home. Lucky, they work from home!

I might do more of these fantasy creatures for the rest of the month. Might even turn it into a story!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Forest Creature

Day 11 #kidlitart28

This is a little forest creature wondering what the heck is that leaf for? A good answer would be, "Well, it looks like that leaf attached itself to your noggin and now will control your every move"


It's a young forest creature that is wondering about life, as we all do.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Day 10 #kidlitart28

I've never had the gift of being photogenic. I'm just not cut out for the fishy face selfies that everyone seems to rock. When taking a picture, and I'm tolled "Do a nice pose Sharon!" that is what happens (note the sketch above). Even with the classic "hand on hip"pose, I still look silly. Maybe it's the clothes? Hair? Who knows.

I've even tried not to smile. Tried going for the serious sexy face picture, but then I just look mad or tired.

 Posing will always be a mystery to me.

Monday, February 9, 2015

I'm Ready!

She's ready for Valentines Day and so am I! I have the card, the outfit, and the money for a fun night!
Yes, it's one of the few days out of the year where you are expected to stuff your face with sugary chocolate. Can't beat that.

 On a different note, after studying many references of flies, I found them not so repulsive. As Leo can attest, it is the buzzing sound that drives me insane! I can be walking down the street all nonchalantly, and then I hear a sudden buzz by my ear and I'm off. Literally I'll run away swatting off my glasses and my hairdo for that matter. It's a serious problem. Kinda embarrassing too.

Day 8 (continued)

Finished! I decided to crop it, so the action would be more centered.

Okay I'm off to do day 9 of #kidlitart28

But first, lunch!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Forgot To Post

I forgot to post Day 3 #kidlitart28

Apologies! I just realized I forgot to post this sketch

This is one of my first times drawing something mechanical. It was fun, and scary all in the same time.

It's Not Considered Cheating...

Day 8 #kidlitart <----- I should format the rest of my #kidlitart28 posts this way. It's much nicer.

I'm making these sketches too complicated to finish in a day! I'm going to post the more finished sketch tomorrow...so it will count as another sketch right? It won't be considered cheating. Nah, I don't think so.

I'm off tomorrow, so I'll post an extra one so I won't feel guilty. Curse you morals! They won't let me slack off.

I noticed that all my boy characters all have to same haircut. That's not fair, boys have fun hair styles too right? *googled up boy hair styles* 


All that came up were anime hair styles. I think I'll refine my search. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Quick Sketch Today

What a day! Work was crazy and I have to help Leo pack for Miami tomorrow.

Wait...how did this happen?

Leo gets to go to Miami, while I'm stuck in this cold Texan weather?! Well, in all fairness he is going for work...but still, he will have a much nicer view.

I am going to be so lonely, just me and the cat.

In today's sketch I revisited an old character from an old comic I did in the old days. Her hair gives her a very, very, lonely look. Wow this loneliness is getting me already! 

Day7 #kidlitart28

Friday, February 6, 2015


Day 6 #kilitart28
This is one of those things that look awesome in drawings, but dumb in person. It looks particularity dumb when two grown men are riding it...at the same time...yeah.

However I think women cat pull it off, no problem. If it was a cute sky blue, with one of those blue ghost from pac-man helmets, oh yeah I would get in on that! The only thing, smelling all the exhaust and the countless people smoking like chimneys doesn't sound like a fun ride at all. They're are so darn cute though!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 5 #kidlitart

Hehe, this comic is for my former teacher and awesome friend Angela Padron! She has taught me so much and pushed me to be the best. I know I can ask her anything and I know she will always do her best to give me the amazing advice. Love her!

One of her favorite phrases she uses in, all kinds of scenarios, is "catch-22". A very good phrase, so I thought I would do a little comic of it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

This Should Be A Series

The series should be called, Photobomb Cat. This cat seems to be photobombing all of my light studies, what gives? Painting anything that is not organic is very challenging! Like I said before, it somehow makes want to paint non-organic things all the more.

Hehe, including the cat adds  some humor and a little story to the studies. It also makes it fun for me.

I think there is a cereal bowl with my name on it in the kitchen. So, this is where I leave you...isn't that a name of a movie? I dunno, it's very late and I'm very tires and I should stop typing.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Serious Addiction

So I found another challenge...curse you Twitter!

This one is #kidlitart28. Sketch something for every day of February. Okay, so it's not as intense as the #hourlycomicday but it's still a commitment! I missed the first day because, again, I found it today. Oh well.

I also realized I have an addiction to challenges. I find them and something in my head says "Hellz yeah, I'll take you on challenge!!!" It's a healthy addiction. At least it is improving my art whether I like it or not.

Anyways, this is a light study of a messy room. The cool lighting and the warm furniture really caught my attention. I exaggerated the lighting a bit, and didn't include all the books for my sanity's sake. The cat was just an after thought, the comic challenge is still in my system I guess.


Yesterday was #HourlyComicDay, I think it was  mainly over at Twitter, but I also found the # worked on Facebook. I discovered it by chance while clicking around on Twitter and I'm glad I did. Basically you draw a comic every hour from the moment you wake up to bed time for one day. The comics should be about your day and anything you were doing. I think it's every Feb 1st, but I may be mistaken. By the time I found out about the challenge it was noon, so I had some major catching up to do! I have to admit, I wanted to give up by 3pm. However, I posted my progress on Facebook and Twitter and people were already reading it so I couldn't quit!

I finally finished at 9pm and it was intense! My back, legs, wrist, and eyes couldn't take it anymore! I stressed myself out more than I should have trying to keep up. but still happy I finished and I think I would do it again...maybe...hm...yeah I think I would.

Anyway here is what I did on yesterday. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I finally submitted my pirate! Fingers crossed! There are so many amazing submissions, and so many talented artist I don't know how the judges are going to decide!

I also posted my process, many changed were made but I quite like the outcome! The headdress was a great addition, hopefully that makes my character stand out. Will keep you updated1