Friday, May 31, 2013

Page 8

Its nearing the end...its close to the

I'm almost done with the comic! Yeah, that sounds better. Haha.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Trotting Along

It seems like I've been drawing this comic my whole life!
Maybe it feels that because this is my fifth week working on it...yeah.
Doesn't matter, because I'm loving every second of it!

Oh, this is page 7.


As the title indicated, this is page 4 and 5!
By far my favorite pages of the comic.

It's funny how one can improve their art skills in a couple of drawn pages.
I look back at my cover page and I realize I can improve it, and I will!

I decided to go with this font, I think it matches the style perfectly.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Another One Bites The Dust

Finished page three.
I've always wanted to draw something dark. Dark as in, mood wise.
I'm happy to see that I can maintain the style consistent.
I just hope it doesn't print too dark.

Still searching for the perfect font to go along with the theme of my comic.
I guess I'll know the perfect one when I see it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Movin' Along!

Page two done!
Can't believe it took me all day. My poor eyes need some rest now...goodnight.

Now that I look at it...It took me all day just to do this?! lol
Well, I did have some spaghetti, did laundry, and went for a walk...
I guess it's justifiable.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Page One yeah!

This is page one!!!
I think it came out awesome-o.
Love the darkness of it all


Finished the forest!
Still don't know what I'm going to call it...
Oh well, it shall come to me.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Progress made!
Trying out painting with a texture.
It's hard to see on what i have painted however.
Worry not! It shall show up better in the mountains in the background!

Sketch Away

Tis a sketch for a cover! I cover of my new comic that is. Decided to go a more serious-o way.
I forgot that I actually wrote down the story for it. I shall upload it.
. . .

COPYRIGHT 2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED and all that good stuffs

Long ago, during a time almost forgotten, man was said to have struggled with his dreams. He couldn't forget them. Every detail about the dream he had the night before was always fresh on his mind. Never being allowed to forget the occasional awful or depressing nightmare took a toll on man's sanity. Day in and day out, the buildup of these dreams in his conscious mind made it almost impossible to think clearly. This condition would often lead them to take drastic or even  deadly measures. When man was at the brink of destruction, it was said a solution was born.
                 A child was given to the world. A child who never suffered from its dreams. Blessed with the gift to occasionally forget  dreams, the child grew happy and carefree. Shunned and envied by her village for having this extraordinary gift, the child inevitably fled to the forest. Here, in the darkest part of the forest, where light toils to shine, the child found comfort. One night the child fell into a deep sleep near a small lake. As the night passed, the lake's water rose to meet this new visitor, and surrounded the child in its warm embrace. The rising water met the child's ear and drained deep in its canal. When the water receded, something had escaped from within. Something alive.
                When the child woke, she noticed something being reflected on the water's surface. It wasn't her reflection, instead strange organisms seemed to dance across the water and disappear. Occasionally the organisms flashed and these flashes merged to form moving images. The child recognized these moving images. It was the dream she had that very night.
                Since that night, the child could no longer forget her dreams. The only way she found relief from the dream condition was to submerge in the lake. When the child would resurface, her dreams drained into the lake and she was fine again.
                This lake drained directly into the drinking water of the village. The organisms that came from the child's ear were consumed by the people. Slowly, they began to forget some of their dreams, and were able to live in peace.
                The child remained by the lake for the rest of time. She became a guardian to the lake, and to all the organism that carry people's dreams back to the lake they originated from. So if you happen to forget a dream you just had, don't worry. It resides in a safe place, alongside the dreams of the person next to you. 

. . .
Original baby! At least I think so. 
Haven't thought of a name for it yet, hm. 

And yes, it was a pain to draw all those leaves.
Worth it though!