Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lighting - Done, and done

Yes! Progress made today, with the help of some Gorillaz music, song 5/4 to be exact.

Trying out a new method on this one. Applying my lighting first, saw some people beginning their illustrations this way, so I thought I would give it a shot. So far I am liking! I have more control of the over-all feel of it by starting this way it seems.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why winter?

Working on this illustration in hopes of it becoming my website home page. I've been wanting to do a snow-ish scene for a while. Why winter though? Hm, well probably because here in south Florida winter is non-existent. Probably because its always 80's and humid, a change of weather would be nice. Just sayin.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013


Question, have you ever liked a band so much that even listening to them for 4 hours straight doesn't seem to bother you? So much so, you go to bed singing their songs and wake up to them imprinted in your brain?

Ya, that's the case with me and The White Stripes.Obsessed!


First post! Very exciting, for me anyway!

Here is a creation of mine, a seed creation. He's a seed creature wrapped in poison oak for protection. He's a modern day Johnny Appleseed, some would say. Except he's tiny, and has goggles...and cricket legs.